
Barakallahu laka wa baraka ‘alaika wa jama’a baina kumaa fii khoirin.
Hafis-Dita… mireng kabar panjenengan kekalih badhe krama, kula saestu bungah mboten katulungan.
Hafis… rencang kula ingkang saestu kula tresnani, sampun kados sedherek kula piyambak, dhaup kaliyan Dita, arek Malang, priyantunipun luwes, sumeh, grapyak, pinter… semanten uga Hafis.
Mugi-mugi Allah paring wilujeng, ridho saha keberkahan kagem panjenengan kekalih.
Dhauping panjengan kekalih Insya Allah saged maringi manfaat ingkang kathah, khususipun kagem penganten kekalih, umumipun kagem masyarakat, nagara lan agama.
Ingkang saestu nderek bingah.
Ginanjar & keluarga

May Allah bless for you (your spouse) and bless you and may He unite both of you in goodness.

In the name of Allah…
Hafis-Dita… Hearing your wedding news, I was very happy.
Hafis… my beloved friend who is like my own family will meet Dita, Malang girl, who is lithe, kind, friendly, smart… as well as Hafis.
May Allah Give peace, blessing, and grace for you both.
Your marriage Insya Allah could give a lot of benefit, especially for both of you, and generally for the community, the country, and the religion.

[We’re] feeling happy for you,
Ginanjar & family

Gelaghni Hafis. Gahha sikam khua iji sai kampus, kidang sikam ampai kenal pigha-pigha minggu iji sekhadu sikam tugok di Jepang. Anjak sai tiliak, insya Allah sai keliaan po si betik-betik ni gawoh anjak beliau. Insya Allah, seghebok lagi beliau haga ngalaksanaon sunnah Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, yakni nikah.
Sikam buhaghop jama bedua jama Allah Sai Maha Kuasa, semoga nanti rumah tangga ni sakinah, mawaddah, penuh rahmah dan barakah. Aamiin.
Abdurrisyad Fikri (Lampung) for Hafis

His name is Hafis. We were in the same college, but I just got to know him for several weeks after I arrived in Japan. From what I see, insha Allah, I only see good things from him. Insha Allah, soon he will fulfill one of sunnah of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam, and that is nikah.
I wish and pray to Allah The Almighty, that his household will always be in sakinah, mawaddah, full of rahmah and barakah. Aamiin.

Masya Allah, merennu tokka mangkalingai karebata loki botting..
Wello doangekki runtuk barakka’na puang Allah ta’ala..
Salamakki Hafis dan Ria !!
Pole balibolae
Rama sibawa Mala

Masya Allah, very glad to hear about your wedding news.
May Allah Ta’ala always put His barakah to you.
Congratulations Hafis and Ria !!

From your neighbor
Rama and Mala

“Tatandang nu bakal midang, balebat mangsana miang, cunduk waktu nu rahayu nitih wanci mustari ninggang …..”
Ngring bingah, ngiring bahagia, tur do’a nu sae kanggo kang Hafis and teh Dita wilujeng ngambah sagara rumah tangga, sing rukun, sing awet dupika aki, do’na wae… mugia dijanteunkeun istri pameget anu runtut raut sauyunan, dugi akhir hayat….. dipaparin rizki jeung katurunan anu sholeh sareng sholehah. Amiin.
Nugraha Syarif Husein (Bekasi)

Happy and glad to hear the news from the best friend and brother Hafis Pratama and Dita who will declare the sacred vow in order to follow nabi SAW’s sunnah. Best prayers and wishes for both of them, may Allah SWT Gather the scattered from both of them and Bless them to become a family that is sakinah – mawaddah – warrohmah also Give them offsprings that are shalih shalihah. May you are given rizqi with blessings and always be in His shelter and love. Aamiin.

Carong, get that akai, hana beu ou.
Edy Agus Mulyono (Aceh) for Hafis

Smart, kind, and a hard worker.

Kula, Faisal sekeluargi ngaturaken milet bungah lan sugeng ngelampahi bahtera rumah tangga.
Mugi-mugi Gusti Allah maringi kelancaran sing kawit persiapan, aqad, resepsi sampe seterasse. Ugu mugi-mugi diparingi putra putri ingkang sholih-sholihah, berbakti dumateng tiang sepah kalihe, berbakti kangge Nusa-bangsa lan taat dumateng Allah sareng Rasul e
*Dongaken Kula Enggal Nyusul*
Faisal Ahmad (Cirebon)

I, Faisal, and family would like to express my happiness and congratulations for your marriage journey. May Alloh SWT Give you a smooth preparation, akad, reception, and onwards. Also, wish you sons and daughters that are sholih-sholihah, dutiful to parents, dutiful to the country, also obedient to Allah and His Rasul.
Pray for me to follow soon. (Aamiin.)

Badhan kaula matorra salamet ben adu agina, malar mogha daddhiya kaloargha seng barakah, sakinah, mawaddah, wa rahmah, ben malar mogha se kobasa aberri’ aghiya katoronan se sholeh ben sholehah.
Abrory Agus Cahya Pramana (Madura)

Wish blessing and mercy come to you and your family, and I pray for you that Allah will give you sholeh and sholehah offsprings from your blessed family.

Wilujeng nikah kang Hafis. Mugia janten cukang lantaran kango nyampurnakeun ibadah ka gusti anu maha suci, wilujeng ngambah sagara rumah tangga sing rukun, runtut raut, ka cai jadi saleuwi kadarat jadi saleubak. Mugia dipaparinan murangkalih anu sholeh sholehah tur janten cahaya anu nyaangan umat.
Aa Haeruman Azam (Tasikmalaya) for Hafis

Happy wedding, kang Hafis. (Bride and groom need translation… please help us…)

بَارَكَ اللهُ لَكَ، وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ، وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِي خَيْر
أحلى التهانى وأجمل الأمنيات بمناسبة زواجكما
Muhammad (Libya)

Allah bless you, and may He send blessings upon you, and may He unite you both in good.
Congratulations and warm wishes to both of you on your wedding day.

Akhirnya setelah berepisode-episode galau Mbak Dita tentang nikah dan jodoh, Mbak Dita bisa mengakhiri masa lajang duluan. Gak bisa dipungkiri kalo kami sering banget punya pandangan yang berbeda tapi justru disitu saya belajar untuk saling menghargai perbedaan pendapat. Salah satu contoh nyata soal perbedaan pendapat kami adalah tentang menikah. Mbak Dita itu bener-bener galau soal yang satu itu sedangkan saya orang yang bener-bener santai soal nikah atau jodoh.
Despite everything, every different point of view, I want to wish both of you much happiness together. May joy, love and happiness be yours forever. May you find peace on each other every day. May all your dreams come true.
Sorry banget aku gak bisa hadir Mbak. Best of luck until the day.
Best regards,
Rizki Putri Andarini for Dita

After a lot of anxious episodes of Mbak Dita about marriage and life-partner, Mbak Dita is able to end her single status ahead. I cannot deny that we often had different perspectives but because of that I learned to appreciate differences. One real example about our differences is about marriage. Mbak Dita was really nervous about that while I was very relaxed about the matter.

Despite everything, every different point of view, I want to wish both of you much happiness together. May joy, love and happiness be yours forever. May you find peace on each other every day. May all your dreams come true.

I am sorry I cannot come. Best of luck until the day.

Saya rasa episode-episode di Korea Selatan bisa bercerita lebih tentang Mbadita yang nggak mudah menyerah dan resourceful. Kendala bahasa, perbedaan budaya, terbatasnya jenis makanan yang bisa dikonsumsi dan kondisi kerja/riset yang keras terbukti tidak menghentikan Mbadita menyelesaikan S2 on time. Jadi, hidup susah? Saya rasa Mbadita bisa hadapi dengan mudah. But I’m not wishing her a “hard life”. Dude, if you are going to ask my friend’s hands on marriage, be informed that I’ll be running a background check on you, and you’d better be worthy of her! (But if she really likes you then well…) (I’ll still be watching though).
Felicia Salim for Dita

I think South Korea episodes can tell you about Mbadita who is never giving up and resourceful. Challenges in language, culture difference, the limitation of the consumable food, and harsh work/research environment has proven not to stop Mbadita from finishing her master degree on time. So, difficult life? I think Mbadita can handle it easily. But I’m not wishing her a “hard life”. Dude, if you are going to ask my friend’s hands on marriage, be informed that I’ll be running a background check on you, and you’d better be worthy of her! (But if she really likes you then well…) (I’ll still be watching though).

디타가 좋은 배우자를 만나게 된 것으로 생각되어 기쁩니다. 1227일은 내 생일인데… 좋은 날짜에(!) 결혼하는 군요. 축하합니다.
WS (Republic of Korea)

I am happy to think that Dita was able to find a good partner. December 27 is my birthday, though…you will be married on a good day (!) I guess. Congratulations.

PS. He is my Professor during my master degree! -Dita

Salamaik ambo ucapkan taruntuak kaduo sahabat ambo, uda Hafis dan uni Dita, dalam manjalani kehidupan nan baru di kudian hari.
Membangun kaluarga indak samudah mambaliak talapak tangan, tapi ambo yakin uda Hafis dapaik manjadi imam yang baik untuak uni DIta dan dapaik mambawo keluarga ka jalan yang diridhoi Allah SWT.
Semoga pernikahan iko dapaik manjadi pernikahan nan sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah di dunia dan dipatamukan kambali di akhirat nantinya.
Anggara Fayumi (Minang)

Congratulations to two of my friends, brother Hafis and sister Dita, for starting a new life. Starting a family is not as easy as flipping your hand, but I am sure brother Hafis can be a good leader for sister Dita and lead the family to the way blessed by Allah SWT.
I hope this wedding can lead to marriage that are sakinah, mawaddah, wa rahmah, for life and will be rejoiced in the Afterlife.

Me ani Hafis Japan made bhetlo, jevha to Student manun Tokyo Institute of Technology made ala. To ek changla manus asun to khup madat karnara ahe. Hyachya vatarikat tyachya kade ek changli kala ahe ti manje Laser Carving. Me tyachya bavi aysuhala khup khup shubhecha deto ani tyachi lagna nantar ch jeevan sukh ani samrudhi ne bharun zalo.
Parat ek da, mana pasun khup khup Shubhecha.
Vishal Mahesh Davale (India) on Hafis with Marathi language

I met Hafis in Japan, when he joined as Student in Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is very kind and helpful person in all the respect. Apart from this, he is good in other arts like laser carving. I wish him very Happy and Joyful married life. I am really miss this function but hoping to meet him again in Japan soon.
Once again Good Wishes for his next step in the life (wedding).
Wish You Happy Married Life. 🙂