Giving Birth in Japan

Hello, everyone. This is Dita the wife again. I have a very good news to you all. My baby boy Ali has born! (Eventually, he was named Ali anyway.) Alhamdulillaah, he was normally delivered although a little ahead of the common time. I have a story on that that I want to share as well. [...]

Machida Winter 2018

It is said that this year, winter has its heaviest snow since 2014. I don't know what 2014 winter looked like, but this year the snow was indeed very heavy. Very heavy that it coated the everything with icing sugar they turned into temporary vanilla cakes. Trains decreased their schedule (due to fear of break [...]

Pregnancy in Japan

Hello again! This is Dita the wife again ^^. A lot has happened since the last post and this one, including a new year, a new life for me as a Ph.D student, including a new nickname for our baby that is growing strongly, steadily, and kindly inside my womb: Ali. My husband has called [...]

Autumn 2017 and Trip to Kamakura

Autumn is my (Dita's) second favorite season after spring, so I was excited to meet autumn again after 2 years! I was very grateful and I wouldn't miss this opportunity to catch the momiji as much as I can... and some selfies doesn't hurt, right? (Some of the picture that includes both of Hafis [...]

Parkir Sepeda

Dengan sepeda sebagai alat transportasi utama pribadi saya di Jepang, sudah merupakan hal yang maklum untuk berurusan dengan masalah perparkiran. Di Indonesia, memang sepeda sudah sangat jarang ditemukan, apalagi di kota-kota besar. Namun untuk sepeda motor saja, sistem parkirnya cukup rumit. Nomor polisinya dicatat, dan ketika mengambil kendaraan pun karcis dan STNK harus ditunjukkan untuk [...]

Mengejar Suami

Bismillaah. Memanfaatkan website ini yang kata suami bakal terus dia sponsori (alhamdulillaah!), saya ingin mendokumentasikan perjalanan kami selama menikah dengan harapan salah sekian dari isinya, suatu saat nanti, akan bisa membantu seseorang dalam kehidupannya di Jepang sini (terutama yang sudah berumah tangga). Kalau tidak ada, yah, akan saya jadikan kenangan untuk dibagikan kepada anak-cucu (aamiinn!), hehehe. [...]